精粹封面 (14).png

Author: Kyle

Translator: Kyle

Reviewer: Marshal Orange

Source: Content Guild Translation

Originally published at: PermaDAO

Original link: https://permadao.notion.site/Arweave-AO-Weekly-Highlights-Week-5-d6834dd2383948409a300117223e42b1?pvs=4

Arweave Network Data:

In the past week, Arweave completed 402,270,941 transactions, reaching a storage volume of 3.36 TiB.

Storage fee for this week stands at 1.07 $AR/GB, block reward at 2,638 $AR, and endowment increased by 3,095 $AR.

AO Network Data (as of February 4, 2025):

AO Testnet has sent a total of 158 Million messages; 3,140,313 $AO have been minted.

Bridged assets include 96,810 $stETH and 178,616,650 $DAI.

Weekly News Summary

🔥 Arweave 2.9 officially released, bringing comprehensive performance and security upgrades.

🔥 AO mainnet is launching soon—join the Gather Town online party to celebrate.