
Our community has posted two articles on the issue of PST recently, We need a PST consensus! and Native and Bundle mixed sequencing optimization solution, the first article mainly throws out the problems we found, and the second one puts forward the optimization solution from the sequencing of transaction data. But the main issue of data decentralization verifiability has not been discussed. We will discuss the importance of SmartWeave's verifiability and solutions today.

FYI: The problem that be mentioned in this article has been soloved at the begging of 2023. In this case analysis only, hope to be interested in people to provide certain reference.

The premise of Trustless Consensus

Decentralization always is mentioned in the blockchain industry as an important indicator, but it is not the final goal. The goal is to achieve Trustless Consensus.

This concept is abstract and can be broken down into three dimensions:

  1. Verifiability: data can be verified
  2. Permissionless: any third party can participate as a node without permission;
  3. Anti-censorship: data can not be censored and tampered with.

As long as the above three dimensions are satisfied, the trustless can be achieved. The current mainstream EVM public chain can achieve this goal, but all roads lead to Rome, and the same can be achieved with a permissionless verifiable off-chain computing model, which is used by smartweave contracts on Arweave.

What is the verifiability?

Verifiability is the ability of different people or institutions to reach the same conclusion by examining the same evidence, data, and records.

In a system, in order to achieve verifiability, all nodes must have the same access to the original data, that is, nodes can obtain complete data at any time; However, it’s still impossible to achieve trustlessness only with all data. Another necessary condition is to verify that the data is immutable, that is, resistant to censorship. As long as the data meets these two conditions, it can be converted into evidence, and any third party can calculate the evidence to reach the only result, which is through the permissionless verifiability to reach Trustless Consensus.

Take Bitcoin as an example. All people have equal access to Bitcoin data and can verify that their accounts are the only ones that cannot be tampered with. This is an important prerequisite for Bitcoin to reach the consensus of trustlessness. If Bitcoin is not verifiable without permission, who will trust the system?

The advantage of Native SmartWeave’s verifiability

As we know, Smart contracts on Arweave use an off-chain computing model with permissionless verification to achieve a trustless consensus. The reason for this pattern is that Arweave is a public storage chain, with only storage capabilities but no on-chain computing capabilities. But it is precisely this feature that allows Arweave to act as Layer0, providing an immutable and traceable storage environment for data. The smart contract system is called SmartWeave.

The native SmartWeave design is so clever that all transactions are processed on the user's personal browser, without relying on anyone.

Compared with the Ethereum Smart Contract validation, if a user issues a Token on Ethereum and there are only two transactions for that Token, in this case the user must perform the following actions to verify the status:

  1. Download the Ethereum geth client and run a Ethereum node;