PermaDAO Web3Infra Grant Application is an open-source toolkit managed by the PermaDAO community, which provides storage subsidies to incentivize project teams to use Arweave's permanent storage solution.

Application Conditions

  1. Provide project information and storage business information, such as storing valuable business data.
  2. Must use arseeding for permanent storage, with the endpoint beingĀ
  3. The minimum storage requirement is 500 MB per day or 10 GB per month.

Reward Information

  1. The maximum reward subsidy for a single project is 50 GB per week or 200 GB per month.
  2. The application period is either 1 week or 1 month.
  3. The project team needs to provide product screenshots and corresponding blockchain browser records before the task end time.
  4. Rewards will be disbursed according to the project's storage volume * the rate coefficient of Arweave Fees website * 0.9. (Note: fees are dynamic, and final storage pricing is determined by the network.)


Arweave Fees
